Channel: How do proof verifiers work? - MathOverflow
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Answer by Jesse Alama for How do proof verifiers work?

You ask how proof verifiers work, but it seems you are asking a somewhat more precise question: how do proof verifiers based on various higher-order logics work? If you are interested only in classical...

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Answer by Mark Adams for How do proof verifiers work?

Hope I'm not too late to help, but....As far as I know, the proof verifiers most extensively used in serious mathematics formalisation are the HOL systems (HOL4, ProofPower HOL, HOL Light), Isabelle,...

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Answer by rgrig for How do proof verifiers work?

I do not have any general answer, but I do have an example of a proof checker that is small enough. The accompanying paper should make it easier to understand and it should give some idea of how the...

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Answer by Neel Krishnaswami for How do proof verifiers work?

What exactly is the role of type theory in creating higher-order logics? Same goes with category theory/model theory, which I believe is an alternative.Don't think of type theory, categorical logic,...

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Answer by Mitch for How do proof verifiers work?

You said: The Wikipedia pages on blah blah blah give some idea, but these pages contain limited/unclear information, and there are rather few specific high-level resources elsewhere.Wikipedia is great...

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How do proof verifiers work?

I'm currently trying to understand the concepts and theory behind some of the common proof verifiers out there, but am not quite sure on the exact nature and construction of the sort of systems/proof...

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